Credit cards allow you to carry your unpaid balance into the next billing cycle, enabling you to pay your bills without a loan.. However, when you decide to carry forward the balance, a small interest is paid on the amount. Therefore, owning A low interest credit card can be useful for those who rely on credit cards to make expensive purchases. Usually, interest rates in the range of 1.5% to 2.99% per month are considered low when it comes to credit cards.
So, if you think you could want to carry the balance forward, going for a card that does not charge a high rate of interest will be the best option for you. Below you can find a list of the best credit cards with low interest rates.
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Best Credit Cards with Low Interest Rates in November 2023
*Please note that the interest rates mentioned above are subject to change at the sole discretion of the bank.
**The annual fee is Zero for Burgundy Private account holders.
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